Dvousemestrální metodický kurz k výuce češtiny jako cizího jazyka
Institute for Language and Preparatory Studies
Length of study
180 hours
Type of Programme
Microcertificate programmes
23000 CZK
Application deadline
The main aim of the Two-Semester Methodological Course on Teaching Czech as a Foreign Language is to introduce the specifics of teaching Czech as a foreign language. The course is aimed at deepening knowledge in the field of methodology and didactics with a focus on Czech as a foreign language. It includes work on pronunciation, speaking skills and grammar. The learners will receive new knowledge in the field of socio-cultural and in the field of working with realia in teaching. The focus is on the use of both classical methods in teaching Czech as a foreign language and non-traditional approaches. Learners will also become familiar with European foreign language teaching policy and current language developments in Czech. The course enables professionally oriented students to acquire detailed knowledge and competences also in the field of practical application of academic knowledge. It enables foreign language teachers to use their existing qualifications and practice and transfer them to Czech as a foreign language. In the relevant seminars, the course also focuses on promoting the inclusion of children and pupils with a different mother tongue into mainstream school teaching. It enables school teachers to orient themselves to the possibilities of supporting pupils with a different mother tongue and helps them to integrate these pupils into the team and into teaching.
Results of learning
Learners are able to • learners are able to characterise the basic methods of language teaching • describe structurally the Czech language • name the phonetic aspects of Czech • list and sequence the basic steps of a lesson plan • identify typical errors in the speech of a foreigner • work with students of different language backgrounds • distinguish between lesson preparation for children and for teenagers and adults Learners are able to • identify among known teaching methods those that best suit the objectives of his/her pupils/students • create a lesson plan based on the textbook and syllabus • implement a lesson in Czech as a foreign/second language • to be familiar with new developments in the field of teaching Czech as a foreign language, to assess them and to use the relevant ones • use different approaches to grammar interpretation • incorporate basic pronunciation work into teaching Learners are able to • to conduct teaching under the supervision of a methodologist • construct a lesson plan including the use of modern technologies • enrich the basic teaching with the functional involvement of games and interactive assignments • actively develop group dynamics • motivate pupils/students to continue learning through varied error handling • master the didactic skills to adapt or develop reading or listening materials • to integrate speaking skills into the teaching of beginners • to grasp the grammatical phenomena of Czech adequately to the level and needs of their pupils/students • develop a coherent course syllabus, create follow-up lessons, plan and design their own teaching material with functional didactic elements, test them in practice and revise them on the basis of this • assess learners' performance and evaluate it according to the standardisation of language testing