Aplikuj vědu!
Centre for Knowledge and Technology Transfer
Length of study
62 hours
Type of Programme
Microcertificate programmes
5394 CZK
Application deadline
The Apply Science to Practice course is designed in 10+1 workshops, where the candidate learns that the university is an important player in solving societal challenges and that research is an important source of practically applicable beneficial innovations. They will also learn how the innovation process works in practice and what the key concepts of innovation management are. It will help you identify the tools of innovation and teach you how to use them, and how to think about your study and research so that you can find the potential for its real-world application. The price of the course is 5394 CZK for an external participant and 899 CZK for a student from the UK (Bc., Mgr./Ing.).
Myslíkova 7, Praha 1
Results of learning
The graduate is able to: Knowledge: Explain the concept of sciencepreneurship and its contribution in the context of university roles; explain the key concepts of transfer, innovation management, project management, investment; list possible financial sources for project funding; explain how to monitor and demonstrate the social impact of your project. Skills: apply the foresight method of backcasting to find opportunities for sciencepreneurship; develop an innovative project plan, including a budget; manage their own project; create an elevator pitch presentation. Competencies: Try to create and lead a simple project; present and discuss their project proposal; reflect on the feedback and implement it in their project.